Cimaise Magazine n° 200-201
June-July-August 1989

“Works of indignation are these skeletons grabbing to a sheet as frail as spiders, are these tiny statues wrapped in bandages and cords, lined up like a shadow’s army in their black coffins. The work of Jacques Braunstein is a work of anger, without a doubt but of prudishness too. With the Holocaust, the jewish genocide reported here, those are in reality, all the barbarisms with a human face that are questioned, all religions, races, all walks of life. The star of David stands alongside the cross or the masks and the feathers of the ethnic observances. What is shown is the abyss, a state of the world, a twist of the spirit. It comes up discreetly. Liberating us from oblivion. From the disastrous insignificance of oblivion, this outrage of the memory”.