Regional art consultant

“I approached the forbidden zones where it starts to reign the metaphysical darkness”.

E. Sabato Alejandra

“Here are the objects of a cult, here the altars, the tabernacles, the monstrances, the sacred urns, there, the offerings, the ex-voto and the crowns. Elaborated and celebrated by Jacques BRAUNSTEIN, this astonishing horde takes on the most contradictory appearences by associating the sacred to the unholy, the magic to the science, the imagination to the severity.
This objection is nonetheless only appearance and the various elements composing it, are gathering more than rejecting each other.
And so, the complex code of the cords tirelessly tied and re-tied, the bandages keeping in the strange figurines, the nails penetrating into the flesh dead or alive, the talons, the tissue, the stains, the feathers, the blood, the semen, the mirror, intercessor and magic interprets, become the temporal components of a spiritual environment whose creator is taking up the center.
Inevitably we develop the desire to understand, to share, to take part in the ceremony to access the knowledge.
We easily imagine that the experience is not a rest for the spirit, because of the complexity of the symbols, the multiplicity of the references, it adds to the astonishing variety of the creations and the fascinating perfection of their execution.
This discovery, this quest, even this sharing that invites us with a unique and deeply original purpose, deserves that we dedicate it the attention it demands: one who solicits the rarity and strangeness of an object and suddenly emerges as a world known; close despite its profundity and, at least in close connexion to our experience”.

Regional art consultant